03 May, 2007

6 week check

Hello Everyone

As promised there are more pictures to post. Olivia is now 6 weeks and 4 days old. I can't believe how much she has changed. She is holding her head up off the floor and smiling and we even heard a laugh once. There is always some new cry or gurgle. My mom is here to enjoy her and experience all those things with us.

I have been at my wit's end with feeding though. Olivia just feeds all day long and I felt like I couldn't get a break. The health visitor who comes to the house was worried about her weight gain as she was only gaining 2-3 ounces a week. We have been getting differing opinions from different health visitors and were very frustrated. Olivia was constantly fussy when not feeding and it was a struggle to get her to sleep. The health visitor suggested to "top her up" with formula and we all thought it was a good idea. We went to her 6 week check at the doctor's yesterday and Olivia had gained 1 whole pound in a week. She now weighs 9 pounds. She also gained an inch in height, I guess this was her 3 week growth spurt 3 weeks late. I was very shocked that just topping her up with formula would pack on that much weight. I have to say she looks healthier and is less fussy and has more happy alert times, so it was worth it. It also gives me a chance to have a break and have Chris feed her. Last night she slept from 9pm until 5am and then again until 8am!!! We all felt better this morning. Right now it is 8pm and my mom is feeding her and we are hoping for the same tonight. Below are some pictures.

p.s. Chris is making doughnuts from scratch and they are freakin' awesome! see you soon

Love Melissa

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