20 March, 2007


Most everyone reading this will have received our e-mail announcement. This post is just to get some pictures online of our little Olivia Frances :)

Last night was her first night at home. Bringing her inside and welcoming her into her new home was one of the real highlights for me! There has been lots of cuddling from then until now, and thankfully a few hours of sleep as well.

I have this week off for paternity leave, which is good because Melissa is very sore and having trouble getting up and down. Nevertheless we are both very happy, and not too many frayed nerves yet.

Enjoy the pictures!

p.s. Below is the original announcement e-mail.


Hello to everyone,

News travels fast, but I wanted to send out the official announcement
of the arrival of Olivia Frances Bryan into our family!

Melissa began feeling labour pains Saturday afternoon. After reaching
the hospital around 3.30pm on Sunday, she impressed the midwives with
her stoic attitude and speed of labour. She remarked afterwards, 'It
didn't hurt as much as I expected.'

Olivia made her appearance at 8.16pm on Mother's Day, weighing in at
7lbs. 9oz., or 3.43kg. My first reaction? Point and yell 'there's
your baby!!'

She looks very healthy, and has already developed a strong grip on my
finger. She has been alternating between sleeping, feeding and crying
for the past few hours. Melissa is also doing as well as could be
expected, and is as happy and excited as I. Olivia fell asleep with
me for a while when Melissa was in the bath, and I have a feeling
we'll get along just fine :)

I am home now because they wouldn't let me stay the night. I will be
back at the hospital at 9am. You are welcome to ring us then, I don't
know whether Melissa will want to come home tomorrow, or what the
hospital visiting hours are. In short, I don't know much. I am very
tired and very happy. Please give us a ring tomorrow, especially if
you would like to come see us.



Anonymous said...

She is amazing!! Congrats to you both! Russell and Marco are very, very proud!

Miss and love you both!

Anonymous said...

Melissa and Chris,
Olivia is BEAUTIFUL! Good job on the delivery Melissa. Hope you feel better soon.
Love, Mom and Dad

Andrew said...

yayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayay hurrah, hurrah. cant wait to see you guys in july.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations and best wishes to you both! Glad to hear you are doing well 'across the pond.'

Michael Patton