27 April, 2006

Yea DSL!

Hi everyone

This is Melissa writing. Yes we finally got DSL at our new flat and we are up and running again. Life has been busy for the last couple of weeks and it has been harder to post. Chris is near to a deadline and has been working crazy hours in order to finish it. Hopefully he is almost done.

I can't remember if we told everyone that he is going to be quiting his fish and chips job because he will be teaching guitar to primary school kids during 3 days a week. I hope he likes it, he will be teaching kids in groups of 2-4 kids at a time. He will have to travel around to different schools in York and then pull the kids out of class for a half an hour once a week. He will be starting on Tuesday with 3 schools and then by the next few weeks he will have 7 schools a week. He is employed by the council same as me and his admin team is downstairs from my office. :) We are excited by this opportunity for him as it will immensely help us in paying for his PhD tuition. Please continue to pray that he will get scholarships to help as well. Of course this means that Chris will need a new guitar. He picked one out that he really likes for £189.00 and we are picking it up tomorrow. It will be funny to see him cycling around the city with a guitar strapped to his back...

Not much news from me except that my job has now been made permanent, Yipee! Originally I was only on a 6 month contract that was due to end on 26 May. This is a great relief for us too. I will still be working only three days a week but this combined with Chris' three days will be plenty for us to live off of.

There really isn't much else going on at this time. We went to Leeds at Easter and spent the day with my cousin Mark and my my Aunt Helen and Uncle Dennis. That was a nice relaxing day. We are beginning to get more involved in our church. Chris is starting to play on the worship team. Mostly just his guitar and I will be running sound for the service. I may also be helping out with admin stuff one or two days a week. I am excited about that.

Here are a few pictures. Hope you all are having a great day and check in soon for more pictures.

Chris at Miller's Fish and Chips

Chris and Abhay in the City

Me and Abhay in the city

Some cool pictures of York


Anonymous said...

Wow, that's awesome guys. It sounds like you're progressing quite well. Have fun, Chris!

Anonymous said...

Hey, how are you guys doing?
How's your project, Chris?
How about teaching?
Anything new with Melissa?
Praying for you guys.